Official Map of China:

The Loughborough Alumni China connects regional Chinese communities and is are a great way to network with former Loughborough graduates who are based in mainland China.

Through our regional alumni community, you can foster connections with local alumni, support your career and professional development, as well as contribute to alumni social gatherings in the region.

Below you will find an e-map and the contact details for the alumni communities across mainland China. The groups gather socially, support new graduates, and contribute to overseas university alumni activities in their region.

To find out more about the Chinese Loughborough alumni communities, ask any questions, or get connected, contact us by:

WeChat: ukwalker

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One thought on “The locations of Loughborough Alumni Communities in China”
  1. Hi fellow Loughborough Alumni, i am curious as to which years you were studying in Loughborough University ??
    As for me, i am Robin Tay Sion Teck (Singaporean) was studying “Production Engineering & Management” at the Loughborough University of Technology during the period of Sep’69 – May’73.
    I was dismayed to learn that it became known as Loughborough University in 1980s when it got the Royal Charter to discard its specialisation of “Engineering & Technology” (Civil, Mechanical, Aeronautical, Industrial, Production, Engineering) and acquire the normal, generic degree offerings.
    I stayed in Rutherford Hall for the whole 4 year course.
    Glad to meet and connect with you all .

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